
Add the Notification Widget to layouts to display messages created in the Notification Drawer of the CMS.

Click on the Notification Widget on the toolbar, add / drag to the target Region. Notifications Widget

If you are using 1.8, select Notification from the Widget Toolbox to add to your Region Timeline and complete the form fields as explained below.


  • Provide an optional name
  • Choose to override the default duration
  • Select if the duration should be per Notification or a total duration for ALL Notifications.


  • Complete a maximum notification age for messages you wish to use in this Widget.
  • Select an optional Effect and Speed from the drop-down menu.


Click on the Template header to format the Notifications Template.

Notification Template

Main Template

Toggle On the Visual editor to format the Main Template using the inline editor. Click in the preview window to open.

Notification Editor

Include text merge fields from the Snippets menu to pull in the Subject and Body information from the Notification Drawer. Click on the Save button.

No Data

Include a message to ensure that your audience is not left with blank displays when there are no Notifications to display.

Optional Style Sheet

Include CSS to apply to the template structure.