
Add the Webpage Widget to Layouts to show an entire Webpage embedded inside a Region.

There is support for scaling and offsetting the target webpage to allow for a particular section of a webpage to be defined to display.

Click on the Webpage Widget on the toolbar, add / drag to the target Region. Webpage Widget

If you are using 1.8, select Webpage from the Widget Toolbox to add to your Region Timeline and complete the form fields as explained below.


  • Provide an optional name.
  • Choose to override the default duration.


Webpage Configuration


  • Provide the URL (including http://) of the webpage.
  • Use the checkbox to render the webpage with a transparent background (currently not available on the Windows Player). EZSignage will try its best to do this when checked, however, it cannot be supported on some webpages.

After the page is rendered EZSignage will scale to fit within the Region.

Webpages are not cached by the Player, this Module requires a valid internet connection in order to function.


Select from 3 options to choose how the webpage should be embedded:

  1. Open Natively

    The Player will open the webpage without any alterations and will open and render in the browser as if the URL had been visited on the device outside EZSignage.

    Please note: There is no preview available for this option.

  2. Manual Position

    Embed the webpage by specifying dimensions which can be used to force the page to fit within certain pre-set dimensions.

    Page Width - specify the width of the page

    Page Height - specify the height of the page

    Offset Top - the top position for the page to start

    Offset Left - the left position for the page to start

    Scale Percentage - percentage zoom to apply to the webpage

  3. Best Fit

    Specify a page width and page height.

    Manual Position and Best Fit options will not work with websites that set the X-Frame-Options header. If you are unable to see the webpage use the Open Natively option when using Windows / Linux or Android. If X-Frame-Options is set then webOS/Tizen will not work in any mode.

    If X-Frame-Options is not set then the website should show in any of the Players, using any of the above options.

    Use the X-Frame-Options Header Checker Tool to see if the header has been set.